Iain Hillier Academic Award Scheme

student and university support

The Iain Hillier Academic Award Scheme is named after Iain Hillier, who served on the LPS committee for many years and made an outstanding contribution to it’s work.

MSc student prizes of £200 are sponsored by the LPS at University of Durham, Imperial College London, University of Leicester and the University of Manchester. Each are awarded by the university to a student achieving high marks in both petrophysics exam and coursework, typically the student’s research project will also contain a significant component of petrophysical analysis.

MSc level Student Bursaries seek to reward MSc level students on petroleum and earth science courses at English or Welsh universities, who take an interest in logs and/or core petrophysics in their studies. Bursaries are worth £500.

PhD Student Grants and University Grants seek to support specific projects or courses undertaken by postgraduate students or university departments which have log and/or core petrophysics as a key component. Grants can be up to £2000, and should be accompanied by a cost breakdown where appropriate.

Awards are decided by the LPS Executive Committee on the merit of each application. LPS funds are limited and an application is no guarantee of an award.

The applicant should be a member of the London Petrophysical Society. Ideally the applicant will also have attended/participated in LPS events.

If you are successful in receiving a Grant or Bursary, we would like you to keep in touch. The LPS requests that you send the committee a concise report on how the money has aided your studies. Grant recipients are expected to present their work at a subsequent LPS event; you might also consider providing a more detailed report for publication on the LPS newsletter/website.

MSc Student Bursary

Post-graduate students, studying Earth Science, Reservoir or Petroleum Engineering at English or Welsh universities, who take a special interest in logs and/or core petrophysics in their studies. The MSc course should contain sufficient petrophysics teaching and practical experience to demonstrate interest / skills. Funding decisions are at the discretion of the LPS committee. Deadline 31 August & 1st November To Apply Complete the downloadable MSc Bursary Application Form and return by email, with an up-to-date CV to: [email protected] or [email protected]

PhD Student Grant

Post-graduate students, undertaking a PhD project in Earth Sciences, Reservoir or Petroleum Engineering at an English or Welsh university. Logs and/or cores petrophysics should form a significant component of the PhD research, or relevant sub-project. Research areas may include core-log integration; use of RCAL or SCAL data (inc. relative permeability and capillary pressures); reservoir quality analysis; image log data; rock mechanics; seismic rock properties; uncertainty analysis, etc. Funding decisions are at the discretion of the LPS committee. PhD students are welcome to submit new applications in consecutive years, each individual application will be judged on its own merit. Grant recipients are expected to present their work at a subsequent LPS event. Deadline 31 August & 1st November To Apply Please complete the downloadable PhD Grant Application Form and return by email, with an up-to-date CV to: [email protected] or [email protected]

University Grant

Technical, postdoctoral to professorial staff employed in Earth Science or Petroleum Engineering departments at English or Welsh universities, that have a specific project or course that has log and/or core petrophysics as an important component. The University Grant is available to cover funding of equipment, software, wider projects, and relevant taught course/fieldtrips. Funding decisions are at the discretion of the LPS committee. To Apply Please submit a brief proposal to: [email protected] or [email protected]

Supporting Scottish Universities and students

Our colleagues in the Aberdeen Formation Evaluation Society do wonderful work in supporting Scottish Universities and students, please see their website www.afes.org.uk.